I broke my Warty...

Arnold Maestre maestre at lirmm.fr
Wed Nov 3 02:48:25 UTC 2004

> actually this only tells us that you downloaded them, not that they
> are actually installed. The output of dpkg (or checking via synaptic's
> gui) is a better indication to make sure they are installed.

Ok, I was lazy and didn't want to reboot into ubuntu before having
something to do there. Now I did my homework.

dpkg -s libc6 gives:

Package: libc6
Status: install ok installed
Version: 2.3.2.ds1-13ubuntu2.2

So this is a clear and definitive "yes".

By the way, I checked dpkg -s prelink, which tells me that the package
is unknown and not installed. I tried "sudo ldconfig" but it was
useless. So my warty is still badly broken, and I don't know exactly
why. If I remove the nvidia package, it will break the xserver, and I'm
not even sure it will fix the problem. Should I reinstall the nvidia
drivers to take the new libc6 into account ? Has anyone had the same
problem ?


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