Installing ubuntu on a older system (Pentium Celeron 430 MHz)

Jens Kubieziel maillist at
Wed Nov 3 00:28:34 UTC 2004

* Matt Zimmerman schrieb am 2004-11-03 um 00:11 Uhr:
> Before it hangs (while it's waiting for input on one of the first screens),
> switch to console #2 and run:
> echo 'using_dma:0' > /proc/ide/hdc/settings
> assuming your CD-ROM is /dev/hdc.  Then switch back to console #1 and
> continue, and see if that helps.

Well it didn't find /proc/ide/hdc/settings first. So I tried to modprobe
cdrom-, ide_cd-modules which also didn't help. What module make the
above mentioned file?

However I tried ongoing the echo-instruction and at some point it
worked. Now the installation runs and I hope all will be OK.

Thanks Matt
Jens Kubieziel                         
FdI#413: Mailprobleme
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Unser Router hat nämlich nur 16 Ports! (Nach Ulli Horlacher)

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