Installing ubuntu on a older system (Pentium Celeron 430 MHz)

Jens Kubieziel maillist at
Tue Nov 2 22:16:36 UTC 2004

* Loptr Chaote schrieb am 2004-11-02 um 22:05 Uhr:
> Do you have any extra cards in the computer? Is the soundcard removable?

Nope, there is no extra card in the computer. The soundcard is a chip on
the mainboard.

> I would suggest stripping it down to a minimum hardware configuration
> and then try again. Maybe some wierd PCI/ISA-card locks up the probing
> process.

Well, that's nearly impossible. This computer is behind a desk and I can
hardly open the cdrom-drive. I would have to remove the whole desk to
take apart the computer. Maybe I have to look for another computer where
I can test Ubuntu ...

Jens Kubieziel                         
Wenn du etwas so machst, wie du es seit zehn Jahren gemacht hast, dann
sind die Chancen groß, daß du es falsch machst. Charles Franklin

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