
volvoguy volvoguy at
Tue Nov 2 04:00:31 UTC 2004

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 20:58:22 +0000, Baza <baza at> wrote:

> Flip! That looks less fun than sniffing Bill Gates Boxers. There is no
> simple, if not open source, install, like running a script or getting
> 'linux java' from Sun??

I vote for this link too:

This is the only method that has consistantly worked on all the
installs that I've done. It really looks more difficult than it really
is. You can even use the newer 1.5.0 Java stuff and just substitute
that in those instructions.

If I'm remembering correctly, you MAY be able to just download the
package from Sun, uncompress it, and copy the plugin from there to
your Firefox plugin directory. That plugin may require the whole Java
install though, so maybe someone else can confirm that.


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