Tibook drive partitioning

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Tue Nov 2 00:20:01 UTC 2004

On 1 Nov 2004, at 23:13, Adam Boettiger wrote:

> First-time user of ubuntu. I'd like to set up a dual partition on a 
> 60G HD, running 30G for OSX and 30G for ubuntu.
> Having wiped the drive, does it matter which OS I install first?

I *think* (not absolutely sure) that it's preferable that OS X goes 
The most important thing is that the boot partitions are in the first 
8gigs of the hard drive. If OS X is installed first, then the 
partitioning is done correctly (you'll get something like 14 partitions 
- most of which are to do with how Apple's open firmware boots.)

> What partitions and recommended sizes are required for ubuntu?

Splitting it 30gigs/30gigs is ample for both OS X and Ubuntu. After 
that, it's a matter of personal preference. For me, I like to have a 
root and home partition - on my imac I have it split equally 

That said, I'd give more space to OS X than Ubuntu, because Linux can 
read HFS+ partitions better than OS X can read ext2/3 partitions. See 
the Mac On Linux how to on the wiki, and google for ext2fs, which is a 
kernel extension for OS X to enable it to mount linux ext2 / 3 

> Thanks in advance,
> /AB

Tell us how it goes,


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