hoary updates

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Mon Nov 1 11:15:09 UTC 2004

Am Montag, den 01.11.2004, 11:22 +0100 schrieb Philippe Landau:
> i just upgraded hundreds of applications through synaptic for hoary 
> through "Mark All Upgrades", this time though i get hundreds of times:
> locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
> (same for LC_MESSAGES and LC_ALL)
> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
> 	LANGUAGE = de_CH:de_DE:de:en_GB:en",
> 	LC_ALL =(unset),
> 	LANG = "de_CH"
>     are supported and installed on your system.
> perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
> also:
> there should be a way to copy or save the console output in synaptic.
> is there a way to know which package comes from which repository ?
> can packages be sorted accordingly in synaptic ?
> how can i know which new package should be installed for hoary ?
if you use hoary, please understand that it can break everyday, its in a
constant development flux, so this will happen likely often in the next
time. you should also not mix warty and hoary, as nobody can support you
with such a mixed system. either stick with warty or switch completely
to hoary. 
if you did a smart upgrade and have only hoary repositorys in synaptic,
i'd guess you should run: 
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales 
to readjust your locale settings for the new libc and get rind of this

btw: your subject describes it very nice: dont make a woary from hoary
or a harty from warty (dont mix them up) ;)


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