Ctl-Alt Switch GDM sessions...

Worik worik at noggon.com
Mon Nov 1 06:55:57 UTC 2004


On Woody  (Debian stable) I could run two or more GDM logins (for want 
of a better term) using gdmflexiserver.

I still can, but I cannot Ctl-Alt-F8 to the one, Ctl-Alt-F7 back and 
Ctl-Alt-F8 back...

I used this to give my daughter a login without me having to log out.

Also, probably related, once Gnome has started I cannot Ctl-Alt-[+-] to 
change resolution.  I can do it at the GDM login screen, and while Gnome 
is starting, but not once it has started.


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