Lose ability to resolve every 60 minutes or so

Craig Adams craigaa at karg.co.za
Mon Nov 1 03:53:01 UTC 2004


On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 15:16 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > Change the line to: (remove the '# ')
> > 'alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6'
> This has no effect; that file is used for 2.4 kernels only.

That's what happens when you follow forum instructions without
understanding them. ;-)

> > Rename the ipv6.ko file:
> > 
> > mv ipv6.ko ipv6.ko.disabled
> This will have the desired effect, but the change will be undone when the
> kernel package is next upgraded.

Yup, that is to be expected.

Can anyone point us to a better (more proper) way to disable IPV6?


Craig A.

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