Flash plug-in

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 19:25:54 UTC 2004

> Firefox as a easy way to install the plugin.
> Just go on a site that as some flash animations. Then click on "get
> plugin" button that pops. Firefox will just pop a simple wizard that
> will install the flash plugin.

that must new.  I had never heard of this working on Linux before. 
The downside is that all your users on a single machine have to do the
install. From what I can see, this download the 2 necessary files for
the plugin ( flashplayer.xpt and  libflashplayer.so )and install them
in ~/.mozilla/plugins in your home directory.  Another downside is
that I cannot see a way to install a newer version of Flash once new
version of Flash is available.

Personally I would continue to download and install the plugin
manually to make it automatically available to all my users, and also
it let me control which version of Flash is available on my computer

But I have to say that it is now quite user friendly to install
Flashfrom within Firefox via that wizard.

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