Install report Panasonic Let's Note R3

ming0 ulist at
Fri Dec 31 06:46:20 UTC 2004

I did use your version of the touchpad config, and have found a few odd

if I put my finger in the very bottom of the circle, I can control the
track position slider in XMMS, but I can't use it to scroll
horizontally or vertically in any normal applications--so I think that
this pad has the capability, but that I'm just not using it right? I
tried hovering the cursor over scroll bars and scrolling (and I also
tried clicking in a browser window that was scrollable, but had no luck
using the bottom (or sides or top) of the touchpad.

also, I'm trying to get the fn acpi stuff going, and have modprobed the
pcc_acpi module and have the script running in a terminal window. when I
click fn+f1, I see words "backlight dc 163" in the top corner--I can't
get the number to change by clicking fn+f1 or fn+f2. I can also see
"mute off" when I press fn+f4, but no matter how many times I press the
button I can't get it to mute. the same thing is happening w/ the
volume--it tells me the current volume, but I can't change it. Do you
know what I am doing wrong? I ran the script as sudo, so I don't
imagine that it's a privelages thing...

Thanks again,


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