sumarise ppc problems

volvoguy volvoguy at
Wed Dec 29 09:01:39 UTC 2004

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 21:48:18 -0500, Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at> wrote:

> I suspect that Apple doesn't own the rights to AE chipset which is why
> they won't be in any hurry to release that info to the community at
> large (same reason they can't release OS 7.6 and later into the public
> domain -- they don't have the rights to some key underlying
> technologies). Keep your eye on YDL for solutions. They work closely
> with Apple and tend to be ahead of the curve on finding solutions to
> PPC problems (even if they did drop the ball with YDL 4.0). One
> suggestion I saw was that they could use a proprietary (binary) driver
> wrapped in something or other (I didn't bother following the
> discussion).

Ahh. I did not know that (about OS 7.6+). I've often wondered why they
didn't just give the old stuff away for people with older machines.
Prices have gone down a lot now, but about a year ago, people on ebay
were getting $100+for OS 8 and 9.

I'll check out the YDL stuff. Thanks!

> As for your cards... check out Orinoco's Gold or Silver cards. They're
> supported by OS 9 natively as if they were Airport cards on laptops
> that don't have Airport slots so they probably will work nicely in
> Linux. Also do a Google to see what the web says about PPC Linux
> supported 802.11b/g cards (& let the list know what you learn). I
> suspect that has something on the subject.

Wouldn't you know - I finally got my hands on an Orinoco Silver card
about a week before my Dell laptop died. It did work well though. :o)
The new iBooks don't have any PCMCIA (or PC Card - whatever they call
'em now) slots. Just USB and Firewire. Since there wasn't a quick
answer to this question, I'll start digging myself and report my
findings back here.

I also promised some log files. The most unusual info is in the dmesg
log I believe - something about the ROM being wrong on my video card.
*shrug* Sorry for the attachment, but I'm really sore and haven't been
out of bed much in a few days.


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