Updated Ubuntu Mini-RAM HOWTO

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Sun Dec 26 18:22:18 UTC 2004

Am Sonntag, den 26.12.2004, 12:43 -0500 schrieb Giovanni Sce:
> Hi Oliver,
> I'm very interested about low end system configurations,
> I know of most of your suggestions, if you have more
> or place to look at, I'd be glad to learn more.
just a search for the  term "tiny" in synaptic or apt brings up a bunch
of small footprint tools:
busybox (for a very small bash replacement) or nano-tiny show up there
also aterm is a nice small terminal to use on small systems.
some time ago there was a extreme small vesa based xserver too, called
tinyX or Xfbdev, unfortunately it is not packaged (no idea why), but
this is a really small X replacement.

the embedded environments for handheld devices can be used on normal
systems too, so a look at gpe or opie may be valuable (see


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