Cron job every few minutes ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sun Dec 26 01:50:33 UTC 2004

> You could do both ways.
> crontab -e is for cronjobs of users.
> You can put some executables or scripts in the directory structure
> /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}/, too.
> That is for system cronjobs.
> But it must be executables.
> In /etc/cron.d/ you can put files with entries like using crontab -e.
> That is for system cronjobs, too.
> So it depends on the purpose of the cronjob and the wishes of the admin
> which possibility to use.
> The possibilities are very dependend of the used Unix OS, its
> available cron software and the implementation/configuration.
> The file /etc/crontab and the user crontabs exist everywhere.
> But the short forms like */d and directory parsing are not supported 
> in every cron.
> In Linux it seems to be a standard. Maybe you can find it in LSB I
> don't remember.
> Markus

Thanks for the extra info Markus.


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