Hoary iso releases

fhd ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Fri Dec 24 04:55:59 UTC 2004

Kent Frazier Wrote: 
> On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 18:16:05 +0000, John Levin but at 
> The easiest way to get Hoary if you are already running Warty is to
> edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all occurrences of warty to
> hoary.  Then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.  There are some
> things that you will have to change around a little afterward, but I
> didn't find it that difficult.

well, is there any possibility in dpkg to downgrade packages? I'm
afraid to change to hoary, without beeing able to switch back to warty.


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