Ubuntu and Midi

alainhenry ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Dec 23 20:07:59 UTC 2004

/etc/timidity.cfg is the config file for timidity.  Apparently, it's not
included in the package.  Here is a copy of mine.  
Timidity needs a soundfont too.  In Mandrake 9.2, it was shipped with
midia.cfg and gravis.cfg.  In the lines at the end, you'll see these
files mentioned, but I have commented them out.  One of them was
active, with Mandrake.  
I have created a soundfont directory, where I put a soundfonts file,
and I refer to it at the end of the configuration.  
More details at 
(or go for google groups, in alt.os.linux.mandrake and search for a
thread "sound using Timidity as MIDI server"
However, this does not solve the module problem!  


# Instrument configuration file for timidity
# Specify library directory:		dir <directory>
# - Multiple library directories may be given. The ones given last will
#   searched first so you can override them in later configuration
#   Extra configuration files and MIDI files will also be searched in
#   directories.
# Set tone bank or drum set to modify:	bank <number>
#					drumset <number>
# Map program number to patch map:	<program number> <patch name>
# - If the patch can't be found in the library directories, TiMidity
#   search again with ".pat" appended to the name.
#   Programs without a loaded patch will be silent, except that for
#   banks/drumsets >0, the corresponding patch in  bank/drumset 0 will
#   be used (if one exists).
# Read another configuration file:	source <file name>

# If you've moved things around since compiling, uncomment and edit
this to
# point to the library directory: 
#dir /usr/local/lib/timidity

# This sets up the default patches in the TiMidity support package
# "timidity-lib-0.1.tar.gz":

#bank 0
#   0 patch/acpiano.pat
#  24 patch/nylongt2.pat

# If you have Dustin McCartney's "wowpats" patches, you can source the

# config file to set them up for TiMidity:
# (Note that later entries in config files always override earlier
#source wowpats.cfg

# If you have Dustin McCartney's GS drum sets, you can source the
# file to set them up for TiMidity:
#source gsdrum.cfg

# If you have the GUS General MIDI patch set, uncomment the following
# and edit the "dir" statement to point to your GUS patch directory. 
#dir /dos-C/ultrasnd/midi
#source gravis.cfg

# If you have the Midia patch set, you can source midia.cfg to set them
# Note that midia.cfg sources gravis.cfg in turn, since the filenames
# almost identical.

#source midia.cfg

# my choice of soundfonts
soundfont /home/alain/soundfonts/Unison.sf2

# End of configuration file


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