OpenOffice 2.0

Werner Punz werpu at
Thu Dec 23 08:09:52 UTC 2004

JohnOfArc wrote:

> I don't know much about gdbm, but on my system it doesn't even install a
> man page, so I guessing it's the same reason(s) they didn't use Berkely db
No Berkeley DB is unsuitable if you need a fully
flegded SQL Relational database, Berkeley DB is
a level below that one, one of the reasons why I dont like
that one as a backend to Subversion.
Checked the arguments again, it was neither Sun (although they might be 
happy) nor anything else except, that they needed a solution which runs
on all supported platforms, and given the state of the other DBs HSQL 
was as it seems the only choice.
HSQL is a nice DB not the best out there, but definitely not the worst 

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