
keylargodave ulist at
Thu Dec 23 03:04:46 UTC 2004

Giovanni Sce Wrote: 
> I didn't know of sudo a week ago, in the last 3 days
> I have read of so many different version of sudo, gsudo,
> gksudo, visudo...
> Are there somewhere more explanations about all the sudo
> (sub) commands?
> Thanks,
> Gio
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Actually, it's quite simple.

sudo = CLI version and one of the best tools any sysadmin could ask
for, it's been around for quite some time.
visudo = sudo's administration frontend, the root user runs this to
lock the sudoers file so that nobody else can make edits at the same
time, it also does some sanity checking to make sure that you didn't
put something in the sudoers file that's gonna break it really good.

>From my limited knowledge (I don't run them at work), gsudo and gksudo
are gui frontends to draw a nice little password prompt for gui apps
that need root permissions.

Run man sudo and man visudo from a shell to get all of the manpage


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