Kernel Panic!

Kent Frazier kentfrazier at
Tue Dec 21 22:20:18 UTC 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 23:18:50 +0200, Duncan Anderson
<duncangareth at> wrote:
> Hi Kent
> I may be way off beam here, but the first thing I'd do in a situation
> like that is something like the following:
>  From a knoppix root command line, I would fsck the offending file
> system, then I'd mount the root fs on the hd, then I'd chroot to it and
> then I'd "su -", then I'd run "makedev /dev", after which I'd reboot and
> see what happens.

OK, I followed your instructions, but when I run "makedev /dev" it
cannot find makedev.  A quick "locate makedev" finds the following:


None of these are in my path.  Should I specify one of these
explicitly?  It seems like this is being run by the system at boot

Also, I am not very familiar with fsck.  When I ran it, it said the following:

# fsck /dev/hda1
fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
e2fsck 1.35 (28-Feb-2004)
/dev/hda1: recovering journal
/dev/hda1: clean, 209061/2443200 files, 1366723/4885760 blocks

Does the "recovering journal" line indicate that the journal was
damaged?  If so, is it possible that this was causing the problem?  I
am about to reboot to see if it fixed it.  I will report back.


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