Oldest ubuntu user?

Ben Edwards funkytwig at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 22:28:05 UTC 2004

I'me a mere wipper snapper at 37 but as I got my start on a ZX81 maybe
have been at it for longer.  I am sure there is someon out there who
had to buid there own kit to get started.

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 10:00:06 -0500, alex <radsky at ncia.net> wrote:
> This probably isn't a topic for this list but I'm curious,........is
> anyone out there older than me.....86?
> I'm running  two MS Windows 98 & XP,  two KNOPPIX  3.3 & 3.6,  SuSE
> 9.1,  and most recently,  ubunto
> on a Northgate (Staples special)., booting with ubuntu's grub..
> Got my start  with a good old  Commodore C64 and  did some assembly with
> it.  Got into Linux with a
> Quantex ..........learned everything I know from freebie downloads,
> a book, and lists like this one..
> .
> ubuntu.seems to have great potential so I'll be doing some apt
> operations to get a few more packages.
> alex, the OF
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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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