Rhythmbox frustration !!!

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Mon Dec 20 23:58:02 UTC 2004

Oh boy, this program is driving me crazy ! I love it but...

Tonite I am converting all my audio CD's into OGG files.

It works fine, except that I made one little mistake, which seems
trivial, but no matter what I do, it seems Rhythmbox won't correct
it ! :-/

My mistake ? When entering album infos in "Sound Juicer", I inverted the
'artist' and 'album name' fields !
Not a big deal I thought. Once Sound Juicer had finished converting the
CD, I rectified the folders names by hand in Nautilus, before importing
the folder into Rhythmbox... BUUUT, don't ask me why, nor how, please
don't ask me, but when I opened the file choser to import the
folder/album, Rhythmbox imported all the songs BUT he used the WRONG
names ! How could he know ?? I fixed the names BEFORE importing the
album ! So now basically my playlist looks like this:

Artist 1 -> Albums xyz
Artist 2 -> Albums xyz
Album    -> ARTIST xyz
Artist 3 -> Albums xyz

I tried deleting that albums then re-importing it again, but he will
still use the wrong name. WHERE DOES HE GETS THAT FROM !!!???

The only solution I see is to ripp the CD again !! :o(

I really would like to know what happened here, it drives me crazy, I
feel I don't have control over the machine, really drives me mad !! :-/

Vince, very annoyed and lost...

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