When I "apt-setup" for "ftp" the console hangs

Heinz Hagenbucher umlungu at bluewin.ch
Mon Dec 20 11:45:31 UTC 2004

Hello to everybody!

I'm new to ubuntu and "debian", and I tried to install a Paket with
"apt-get" and "ftp". I changed in the settings the mirror to somewhere
in Switzerland (thats where I am). I must have done something wrong,
because now I cann't get into this "ftp" setup anymore. The setup starts
correct with the list of "http", "ftp", "cd-rom" and so on. When I
choose "ftp" the cursor changes into the next line, and stays there for
ever. When I choose "http" I can get into the settings and carry on. But
I don't know an mirror for http in switzerland, and how to set it up. I
would like to install "Digicam 0.6.2", and if I do it with "dpkg" it
will take me days. ;-)
Has anyone an idea?

regards Heinz

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