Ubuntu & the underdeveloped world

Travis Newman panickedthumb at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 22:25:59 UTC 2004

> The corporates have now got so out of control, in effect dictating terms
> on a massive range of issues to 'democracies' worldwide, that I'm not so
> sure about this. I'm beginning to think the establishment of large
> organisations whose sole legal remit is to create profit is in itself a
> large part of the problem. People within those corporations can have
> great ethical integrity, but essentially their owners and the law
> require them to disown all human values except one, 'profit'. 
> This seems anti-human and intrinsically dangerous, in principle; and I
> think our current parlous state is very clearly showing it to be so in
> practise.

It is very dangerous. And you can't make me believe that Nike's 
pre-pubescent Asian sweatshops are good for Asian culture. Maybe it's 
better for them than having nothing, but better does not mean good.
It IS anti-human, and if large corporations like Nike wanted to do 
something good for the Asian people, they'd pay them as much as they do 
workers in the USA, at least relative to cost of living-- not to mention 
hiring adults instead of practically enslaving rugrats. Nike existing as 
a giant corporation is not a problem-- it's the exploitation of 
underprivileged people that IS a MAJOR freakin' problem.

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