[Hoary] Broken Azureus

Frank Merenda fmerenda at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 17 13:53:14 UTC 2004

Kent Frazier <kentfrazier <at> gmail.com> writes:

> /home/kent/bin/azureus/azureus: line 107: 28485 Segmentation fault    

This may mean that there's some problem with the JVM itself, or maybe a
corrupted file. 

I would attempt to do the following:

1 - re-install java.
2 - try running Azureus again.

if that fails,
1 - reinstall Azureus
2 - try running it again w/the new JVM

If those both don't work, then the SWT error message may have something to do
with it. If you reccently upgraded the Xorg server/libs or the gnome libs (or
wigits) Azureus uses those libraries for it's display, and it may be that there
is an incompatibility between the two. If so, then it's a bug and will need to
be filed with the (SWT/JVM Anyone know?) project. I don't have the source code
here so I can't look at it right now to see what the actual line says. I also am
on a different distribution right now (second laptop) and can't test, apt-get
upgrade and test again to see if I can reproduce your error, sorry....

Please let me know how/if it works out,

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