Mouse cursor inverted ?

Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at
Wed Dec 15 16:31:21 UTC 2004

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:07:17 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez
<vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> > That's the section - just add it after the BusID line and before the
> > EndSection line. Save it then restart X and let us know if it
> > worked...
> Hi Thomas,
> I made the change and restarted gnome 20 minutes ago. So far, cursor is
> still nice and white... crossing fingers ! ;o)
> So at first sight, it seems to have cured the problem. MAybe we could
> file a "bug" on this, so that other people can find the solution ?
> If the cursor goes back to black again today, I will drop you a mail.
> But so far seems to be okay :-)
> Regard,
> Vince

Hi Vince, Im not sure this is a bug, but rather hardware limitation.
You have an ATI Rage 128 which probably just cant do harware cursors
so turning it off renders the cursor in software rather than asking
the garaphics card to do it.

If Im wrong on this then can someone let me know so a bug report can be filed...
Also - if it is a hardware limitation, shouldnt this be accounted for
when installing and hardware cursor dissabled automoatically for this


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