Software repository

Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at
Wed Dec 15 10:18:10 UTC 2004

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 23:12:51 -0800, Chuck Vose <vosechu at> wrote:
> I leave this choice up to you:
> A) I tell you how to find the answer and you learn lots of neat things
> B) I give you the answer and you learn nothing
> Let me know.
> -Chuck
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

Ok for a useful answer:
I asked pretty much the same question a while back and got a much more
helpful answer!

you have to manually create the two index files (Packages.gz and
Sources.gz) for your repository.
If you look here it gives you all the info you will need.

Now I agree that the best way for people to learn is for you to "help
them find the answer" but if you say that then failt to give them any
pointers at all then you have done nothing but put them off. Secondly,
condecending smart-arse remarks help nobody, they just alienate the
person who asked for help. Please try to offer constrctive help and
advice and remember that not everybody on this list has inside out
knowledge of a linux system (me included, hence why i ask questions in
the hope that someobody can offer a point to the right direction).

Maxim - I hope this helps you.

Ps Another idea you might want to look into is storing the packages in
a repository on a rewritable CD or DVD. This was what i was looking
into but Im moving to London in 3 days so havent had time to look into
it. My idea was to use a rewritable to hold the repository, then set
rsync to update the files every night allowing me to keep up-to-date
packages and not fill my hard disk.


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