Dell Inspiron 8600

Cameron Hutchison camh+ubuntu at
Wed Dec 15 07:41:32 UTC 2004

Once upon a time Chuck Vose said...
> 1920x1200 is absolutely mammoth. Unless you're planning on using the
> fonts for blind people I think you're going to have to drop it down to
> something more manageable. 

My understanding is that if you set the DPI correctly, a 12 point font
should appear the same physical size (in mm, not pixels) on any screen.

I have a similar laptop with 1680x1050 pixel dimensions (130 DPI) and
I dont have any trouble.

The biggest issue will be the size of bitmap-based icons. These are a
fixed size in pixel, so will appear smaller on a higher resolution
screen. This is mitigated by multiple different pixel sizes for icons
being delivered together.

With desktop environments moving to scalable icons (SVG) this should
become a non-issue.

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