Cell phone connection to Internet..??

Mike mike at fissh.net
Wed Dec 15 02:57:56 UTC 2004

I have Ubuntu (Warty) working on my laptop with Windows as my backup :)

Regarding the Infra Red port....

The infra red port I use to connect to the net for email etc via my cell
phone in Windows. I use this when I am trout fishing an a lonely stream,
high in the hills here in New Zealand. Really handy to check for email
while pan frying a freshly caught trout garnished with onions and
sprinkled with... But I digress.. 

I would think that it can't be done in Ubuntu..but I am asking anyway. Can
I hook up my Cell phone to Ubuntu via IR to use as a modem ?? The phone is
a Nokia 8310. If it's possible, a pointer to a howto would be appreciated.
Nokia doesn't offer any Linux software but maybe some third party does..??

And lastly...How does one check that the IR port is available
and functioning in Ubuntu


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