I need some info about ipv6 in warty

Chuck Vose vosechu at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 22:45:51 UTC 2004

> I tried this and indeed a 'inet6 addr' line appears for 'eth0' and 'lo'
> but not for 'eth0:1'.
> Moreover an entry for 'sit0' is still missing from the /sbin/ifconfig
> listing (it was there after installing warty).

/dev/sit0 is deprecated but you can still do 'ifconfig sit0 up' and it
will appear. I'm not sure what's replaced it but I'm sure a google
would give you this info.

One thing I have to ask is why you're enabling ipv6 in the first
place. It's a wonderful protocol but even major backbones don't always
support it yet, let along small routers such as linksys. Hell, the
majority of the mid-grade cisco routers don't even support it yet.

Though just to be useful, I found this howto pretty informative. 


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