preferred method of setting up dialup

Michel De Gouveia afmdg at
Tue Dec 14 12:34:04 UTC 2004

David Williamson a écrit :

>Trying to set up a dialup connection, I can create the connection using
>the network-admin utility, and can connect and disconnect using that
>utility.  But I recall discussion on the list of wvdial or some other
>dialer - and wvdial needs additional configuration, evidently.  ppconfig
>works too, but then requires, evidently, that I create a dip group.
>What's the preferred way to do things in Ubuntu for dialup?
>Thanks -
I also use gnome-ppp. You can find it in hoary universe.
It is a front-end for Wvdial.
I also have to add the first user to dip group.
And uncheck 'carrier line check' or something like this in option of 
gnome-ppp but this depens of the provider, i think.
If you are problem, check if user is in dialout group and the modem.
And perhaps (I don't think you have to do that but I tried many things 
before my connection was good)
chgrp dialout pap-secrets
chmod 660 pap-secrets
chgrp dialout chap-secrets
chmod 660 chap-secrets
I also set-up network-admin but I don't think it 's a good way because 
you have to connect with root privileges in network-admin.

I think the configuration of modem it 's not very easy. Gnome-ppp is 
good but you have to do some command to fix problems. Not all users can 
do that.
I don't know if the Hoary can fix that.

My laptop have modem intel who use sl-modem but I install Ubuntu in PC 
for a friend who have problem with winmodem (HSF Connexant, to have the 
driver, you have to pay) . I find a model who use slmodem : LG PCI I56N 
to fix that. He have to install windows to use his modem during this time.

I don't know if there is a easy way.

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