Changing cursor in X?

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Mon Dec 13 17:56:17 UTC 2004

Am Montag, den 13.12.2004, 17:32 +0100 schrieb Magnus Therning:
> I ran into this little tool a while ago[1], that can change the cursor
> in X. Is there any other tool to do the same, preferably one packaged in
> Ubuntu (Hoary) then? This really should be possible in GNOME, I think.
> 1.

i dont think this is a really necessary task for users to do, but rather
a nice to have thing....
i packaged gcursor a while ago and will see if it will get allowed to
enter universe, if i got the src packages ready....
even though this one was compiled on warty i think it will work on hoary
as well:


there is one different tool for this task, written in mono. 
look at


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