Problems with Hotplug

ABrady xunil at
Mon Dec 13 09:50:22 UTC 2004

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 20:35:14 -0800
Chuck Vose <vosechu at> wrote:

> Hotplug support is definitely linked to USB so I believe Vince is
> right about try to disconnect some devices, but don't go out and buy
> SCSI yet. Let's find the problem before we start introducing more
> problems.
> It also might help you diagnose if you can boot warty in rescue mode
> (or access from Mepis) and look at /var/log/messages for anything
> interesting. /var/log/dmesg might also have clues.
> Let us know what happens,
> Chuck

A much more sensible response.

I hadn't thought to look at /var/log/messages via Mepis. It's too early
in the morning to play around with things, but I'll see what I can come
up with later. besides, it's installed on a drive in another drawer. So
I'll have to go in with a kive CD to look. May as well use the Warty
live CD to help solve a Warty problem, eh? I have one and it always
boots fine. (So far.)

USB is definitely quirky. I've found ways to live with it and make it
behave, though.

I'm sure it's USB-related, but I still hold out the slim chance it's
something else. I once had a PS/2 keyboard that one distro (RH6.1I think
it was) wouldn't boot using.That was troubling to track down because it
always hung up right after card services were started (which i didn't
use anyway) and gave no indication that it was a keyboard problem. I
went in with a rescue disk and removed the symlink to pcmcia and it
would still hang up. I changed keyboards for a different reason and it
booted up fine. When I put the other back in, it would hang again.

The stupid Mac refused to boot when I had a cable plugged into the
speaker output, but had no speakers on the other end. I didn't know it
could detect things like that. But evidently it does because I can
reproduce it.

This may be similar, and actually be something different than USB. But
I'd almost bet that it's USB causing it. What and why is the problem.

If I could get to a alternate console when this happens I would have
solved this already. I think. But once it stops I can't look anywhere

Hardware can do some funny stuff sometimes!

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