fonts in ubu sucking, was: Windows typography reproduction

Travis Newman panickedthumb at
Sun Dec 12 18:16:21 UTC 2004

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>I do find that fonts on my Ubuntu boxes are far worse than in Fedora
>>Core. Why is that, when they're both Linux? FC1 isn't using Xorg, it's
>>still on XFree86, and it's far superior in default look. 
> That's one of the things I noticed when I left Windows for Linux, the
> fonts didn't look very 'crips'/neat/clear/sharp. 
> I got used to it now, but I would not mind understanding the exact
> technical reason why it is  like this, and why it is not fixed, and if
> there is hope that we will some day have cleaner/cripser fonts.
> Vince, curious....

That link will fix things up for you :)

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