Acroread package broken

Loptr Chaote loptr.chaote at
Fri Dec 10 04:26:29 UTC 2004

 I just discovered that the Acroread package is broken:

$ acroread rsa.pdf
/usr/bin/acroread: line 12: /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread: No such
file or directory

$ cat `which acroread`
. *stuff*
/usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread "$@"

$ ls /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/

< /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread "$@"
> /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/ "$@"

But, when I run it with the above problem fixed I get the yet another error:

$ acroread rsa.pdf
ERROR: Cannot find installation directory.

$ grep install_dir /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/|head -1

Changing this line to "install_dir=/usr/lib/Acrobat5/Reader"

How come noone noticed before? These problems are quite "severe". Are
these entirely unmaintained packages? Did I even get it from the
Ubuntu Universe? :)

Is it possible to check if I might have installed it from another
repository, thus writing this mail to the wrong target? :)


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