Installations fails on format of partitions

Andre Truter andre.truter at
Thu Dec 9 19:58:26 UTC 2004

I am trying to install Ubuntu 4.10 on a PIII Celeron (650 MHz) with 32
MB RAM and 10 GB HDD, but I cannot get it to format the partitions.

When it starts to format, the screen blanks and after a while it
prints 'Segmentation fault' and then "FATAL: Module hid not found". 
Then the screen blanks again and after a while the Segmentation fault
appears again.  This continues.  Sometimes there are more than one
Segmentation fault.

I looked at terminal #4 and it shows a number of warning messages that
repeats over and over.  The last message mentions something about "out
of memory".  Most of the messages seems to relate to memory. 
Unfortunately I cannot capture the messages to include it in the mail.

I have used Knoppix to manually partition and format the drive, but
Ubuntu does not want to use it.  It complains about the ex3

Is this due to the low memory (32 MB) or is it something else?

Andre Truter | Software Engineer | Registered Linux user #185282
ICQ #40935899 | AIM: trusoftzaf |

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