Ubuntu Hoary @ OSNews.com

volvoguy volvoguy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 15:45:20 UTC 2004

A slight change of topic, but still on topic with the OSNews article...

I have the "linux-image-686-smp" package installed, and it was my
understanding that it would always pull in the newest 686-smp kernel.
The article mentioned Hoary is at 2.6.9, but I still seem to be at
2.6.8. I realize that in a development version, things may not work as
they ought, but almost everything in that article was unfamiliar to
me. :) lol. (I pay attention, I really do!)

Do I need to explicitly get the 2.6.9 package? Is the metapackage (or
whatever you'd call that) not doing it's job?

Also, thanks for the info Michael. It's always nice to have
confirmation that I'm not crazy!


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Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton

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