wayover13, lance weber has invited you to open a Google mail account
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Dec 8 03:28:38 UTC 2004
lance weber Wrote:
> I've been using Gmail and thought you might like to try it out. Here's
> an invitation to create an account.I saw with your list of experiences
> and all you might like to try a 1 gig mailbox, that's hosted in
> cyberspace, and serchable with the google engine
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Why, gee, you mean me? Really just little old me? And are you really
Lance Weber, I mean the REAL Lance Weber? Gosh! I'm overwhelmed!!
I'm positively googly-woogly with joy!!! All this time I thought the
world was just going to pass me by, and I might never be offered a
Gmail account. And now, my wildest dreams have come true! A Gmail
account, the first step toward fame, recognition and the adoration of
my peers! I'll bet Julia Roberts will even start answering my emails
now, when she sees I--even I!--have a Gmail account! I'm so excited I
could just . . . oops. I couldn't hold it till I got to the bathroom.
Well, I'll finish this message before I go "cleanse my self of my
excitement," shall we say? So, I suppose if I were to do such a crazy
thing as pass up this unbelieveable turn of good fortune, this offer
might be posed to only 3 million or so other lucky souls?
Waaaaaaahooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm rich! I'm famous!
I'm, I'm--lemme just run to bathroom for a sec, k?
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