Language : big problems with French !! :o(

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Mon Dec 6 15:14:30 UTC 2004

I think this is because some parts of gnome is using UTF8 for
everything.  Try changing to a UTF8-locale and see what happens. I'm a
lot happier with UTF8 and in hoary it will be the default.


On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 15:25:25 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez
<vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> I am desparate for a solution.
> I first installed Ubuntu in English, as it just makes sense in the
> computer world, or any technical domain really. But I had problems with
> pretty much any and all applications. They would not display "French"
> characters. For example if you look at the 'Latin 1' code page (good old
> ASCII 850 table IOW), the characters we use over here are typically
> characters 130 (decimal) to 140.
> Whenever I have a file name that happens to use any of these characters,
> I run into problems. Depending on the app, the symptoms range from
> replacing said characters with either a blank/space character, or a very
> weird and ugly character, to simply NOT SHOWING the file at all
> (rythmbox does that), and in case of directory names, some programs will
> truncate the name and stop where the first 'french' character is
> encountered, and other programs like Gnumeric, in the file chose dialog,
> will simply not show the directory ! Like it didn't exist.
> Funny thing is, Nautilus display everyting perfectly.
> So, I tried re-installing Ubuntu in French, but it didn't solve any of
> the problems sadly !! :o(
> I am very surprised of these problems, because if I believe my ASCII
> tables (from an old MS-DOS 6.0 user manual... ;o), the code page 437,
> used for the USA, hence english language, DOES include all the French
> characters ! So it should work !! :-/  :o(((
> Please help, it really doesn't look very tidy to say the least ! :o(
> I think that this is a typical area where Ubuntu aims at making things
> go smoothly, so hopefully a lovely developpers out there will rescue me
> somehow ! :o(
> Regards,
> Vince, very depressed :o(
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