Lock down XDMCP?

Miravlix dragon at lix-world.net
Sat Dec 4 09:47:47 UTC 2004

On fre, 2004-12-03 at 22:48 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

> The X server doesn't listen for XDMCP requests by default in Ubuntu.
> This is controlled by the Enable setting in the [xdmcp] section in
> /etc/gdm/gdm.conf (the default is "false").

I've been using gdm, but a recent update to hoary made it stop working.
It simply refused to bind to the ports, seemed to me like xdmcp support
was disabled in the binary, but I didn't have time to find the reason
for it and just installed kdm instead.

Miravlix <dragon at lix-world.net>
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