X broke

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Sat Dec 4 02:52:26 UTC 2004

On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 07:07:27PM -0500, Romeyn Prescott wrote:
> At 12:53 AM +0100 12/4/04, Petri Pennanen scribbled:
> >On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 18:41 -0500, Romeyn Prescott wrote:
> >> Well, I've been messing around...
> >>
> >> I eventually used apt-get to remove libxmuu1.  That carved out about
> >> 90 megs of "stuff".  I then reinstalled it, but that didn't do much.
> >> I then installed gdm, but it wouldn't load all the way.  (But it got
> >> farther than before I started all of this...)
> >>
> >> So I just typed 'apt-get install gnome'...and I fear that was a
> >> mistake, as it's installing all sorts of CRAP like abiword.
> >>
> >> Is there something I can type that will revert packages back to the
> >> way they were post-install without actually re-installing?
> >
> >To make sure you have the packages that are included in the default
> >install simply run:
> >	sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop
> >
> >I'm not aware of any automatic way to remove all the extra packages.
> Well, groovy.  I'm back in business!  Thanks!!

Good!  You probably could have avoided the hassle by running 'apt-get 
--reinstall install libxmuu1'.  That would have reinstalled it without 
removing any reverse-dependencies.

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