X broke

Romeyn Prescott prescor at digirom.potsdam.edu
Fri Dec 3 23:41:54 UTC 2004

Well, I've been messing around...

I eventually used apt-get to remove libxmuu1.  That carved out about 
90 megs of "stuff".  I then reinstalled it, but that didn't do much. 
I then installed gdm, but it wouldn't load all the way.  (But it got 
farther than before I started all of this...)

So I just typed 'apt-get install gnome'...and I fear that was a 
mistake, as it's installing all sorts of CRAP like abiword.

Is there something I can type that will revert packages back to the 
way they were post-install without actually re-installing?


At 5:55 PM -0500 12/3/04, Romeyn Prescott scribbled:
>I rebooted the 386 on which I have warty installed at home.  For 
>some reason, the graphical login screen wouldn't fire up and I got 
>the CLI prompt.
>I logged in and tried 'startx' and this is what I get:
>xauth: error while loading shared libraries: libXmuu.so.1: cannot 
>open shared object file: No such file or directory
>That appears 5 times in a row.
>What broke?  Any ideas how I can fix it?  What's the command line 
>equivalent of Synaptic's "Repair All Packages" command?
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