Ubuntu Installation using several partitions

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 23:40:21 UTC 2004

Can someone please educate me as to the merits of using a seperate
/home, /boot and / ?
Also, I would love to know the minimum required space for these, and
the best way to partition a 40G drive to use these seperate

I have /home on the same partition as /. now is there a way to move
/home onto a new partition all of it's own? I guess I want to
repartition my HDD without losing data, is there a good way to do


On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 13:22:12 -0800, Nex6 <n6 at n6labs.com> wrote:
> yes, the installer allows you to create additional partitions, I have:
>  swap, /, /boot, /usr, /var, /tmp, /home, /data
> -Nex6
> Roland Wegmann wrote:
> >Hi all
> >
> >Till now I used the standard procedure of the install cd (warty) in
> >order to create the partitions (bootstrap, swap and /). Now I would like
> >to separate my user data from the system data using a additional
> >partition /home.
> >
> >Can I simply create an additional /home partition in the partition
> >procedure of the official warty-install-cd and and the rest will happens
> >automatically (install the user account on /home; automount /home, ...)
> >or will I have to do these things. If this is a job I have to do: is
> >there a howto that explains all the steps one have to take into account.
> >
> >
> >Kind regards, Roland
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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University of Central Florida
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