(hoary) Mounting digital camera

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at canonical.com
Fri Dec 3 22:56:57 UTC 2004

<quote who="Santiago Erquicia">

> Should this be added to the wiki? or are you going to make this update 
> automatic?

plugdev was set up correctly in warty, so unless you've been upgrading from
a preview release, or crossgrading from another Debian distro, it should
have been there to start with. It's mentioned in the upgrade guide on the
wiki already.

> By the way, the icon of the mounted file is the same as "show desktop".
> Is this known or should I fill a bug report?

Strange, please file a bug and attach a screenshot.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australia                http://linux.conf.au/
   "You know, the crunchy, folk-singer part of me wants to believe that a
     performance is a dialogue, but I can't hear a fucking thing you're
                          saying." - Ani DiFranco

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