
Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 14:21:19 UTC 2004

On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 13:08:10 +0000, Benjamin Roe <ben_ubuntu at benroe.com>
> I'm thinking of moving to a wireless network at home, but I'm a little
> unsure of the support for 802.11b+g cards under ubuntu. I've been
> googling, but it's hard to match up chipsets, cards and drivers when you
> don't know much about the subject.
> Is anyone out there running a wireless network with ubuntu and, if so,
> what would your recommendations for network cards (both for a laptop and
> desktop machine) be?

If you're a Mac user, Airport (standard/802.11b) works out of the box
with the installer (I installed Ubuntu over wireless -- the installer
detected the card and acquired an IP from my router/802.11b
basestation's DHCP server).

Other than that, I haven't fiddled with 802.11b & Ubuntu (maybe I
should throw in my Orinoco Silver and see if it works (probably since
the Airport (original) is (I think) a slightly modified Orinoco


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