Nathan Sprangers wolfe at cwazy.co.uk
Fri Dec 3 01:00:40 UTC 2004

Jan Morén wrote:

>tor 2004-12-02 klockan 19:18 -0500 skrev Romeo Theriault:
>>I'm trying to add /usr/NX/bin/ to my PATH. I do "export PATH=
>>$PATH:/usr/NX/bin/" , then I do a echo $PATH and it is at the end of
>>the PATH like it should be but when I restart xterm and check again,
>>it's not there. How do I make it stick, so it is there permanently?
>>Thank you. 
>I stick it in ~/.gnomerc, which is arguably wrong, but the only place
>I've gotten it to work for graphical logins.
>I think you want to put it into ~/.bash_profile as well, or it won't be
>available on the console.
True, .bash_profile will work as well, but just so I don't cause 
confusion, since .bashrc is imported into that file anyway either should 

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