Key bindings in Firefox; edit vs. sidebars!

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Dec 2 14:35:35 UTC 2004

Eric Dunbar wrote:

>My partner now automatically restarts the computer when she finds it
>in Ubuntu -- she finds the FireFox interface too unpolished to bother
That's a chocolate and vanilla thing*.  I have always found IE 
unpolished and have always installed Netscape, then mozilla, on every 
windows machine I am forced to use.

>& isn't compatible enough with the Word or Excel documents
>that she has to download for work :-( ).
Fair enough, though I have found all but the documents with complex 
frames to be quite compatible.  For Excel files, have you tried gnumeric 
(far superior IMO to OOo Calc)?

* For readers not familiar with the US idiom, "that's why there is 
chocolate *and* vanilla".


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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