hoary updates

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at canonical.com
Thu Dec 2 00:55:25 UTC 2004

* Ross D 

| The most recent dist-upgrade broke openoffice, again.  Is there some
| major work being done for the amd64 port of openoffice in hoary?  It
| is regularly unstable, crashes, and upgrades often break it from even
| running at all.  I received the following error message tonight:

FWIW, it usually works fine for me.

OOo for amd64 is a bit broken at the moment due to some weirdness in
the i386 build process which means that if we are to provide the
sources we should, we would have to put libgnomevfs and its
dependencies into ia32-libs-openoffice, something I really, really
don't want to do.

So, I'm aware of it, there's a bug filed and we have begun looking
into it.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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