[ubuntu-us] Interested in writing for ubuntu-us.org?

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue May 24 03:07:26 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

Over the past year or so the burden of writing articles for
ubuntu-us.org has been on Amber of the North Carolina LoCo and myself.
We're both quite busy so that means the site isn't updated much!

Have interest in writing an article for it from time to time? Want to
talk about the awesome work your LoCo is doing? Have an idea for an
article you think I should write? Know of an awesome wiki page that
you think other LoCos should know about? Please let me know and we'll
get you set up as a contributor.

Also, we still run planet.ubuntu-us.org, so if you're a member of a US
LoCo team that has an rss feed but isn't aggregated there let me know
and we'll get your team's feed added.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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