[ubuntu-us] ubuntu-us.org website

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 2 21:45:55 GMT 2009

Hi all,

One of my tasks from the past meeting was to try to regain access to
the Canonical-hosted ubuntu-us.org and planet.ubuntu-us.org sites. I
submitted a ticket to get new people added last week and have heard
nothing back, I don't even have a ticket number :(

The speed at which the Canonical sysadmins can address requests
related to hosting is a well-known problem, so we should determine
where to go from here.

1. Wait for the sysadmins to keep Canonical hosting

2. Use the UbuntuPennsylvania.org Hardy Linode that was donated to us
to host the sites (I confirmed with Linode that it's cool for us to
host the ubuntu-us sites too). The DNS change requires a ticket, but
can be done very quickly, the fellow who handles DNS changes hangs out
on IRC and is very responsive.

I am heavily leaning toward #2. Of course anyone involved in
developing the site would get an ssh login to the Linode and access to
the resources. If we go this route we should decide whether we want to
start from scratch, deploying a whole new infrastructure or if we
should see about getting the old data from the Canonical sysadmins and
going from there.


Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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