[ubuntu-us] Ubuntu-US.org Articles (2 new! We want yours!)

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 10 03:44:00 BST 2009

Hi everyone,

Part of the refreshing of the US Teams project was the launch of our
shiny new Ubuntu-US.org page. We've now moved into the stage where we
are publishing articles!

We have two new articles up now:

"Joining a US LoCo Team" http://ubuntu-us.org/?q=node/14360
"Congratulations New York!" http://ubuntu-us.org/?q=node/14361

There are a few more in the queue, including one about the importance
of documenting events, but we want yours!

I envision the following categories for articles:

* LoCo tips articles (focus on the US)
* Short, "check out this wiki documentation" articles pointing users
to interesting, useful wiki articles about LoCos
* News about the team, and new approvals
* LoCo success stories your team wants to share (can other US teams
benefit from your success?)

Others? Drop me a note if you have ideas or submissions, we'll get you
Drupal access and get it posted! :)

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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