[ubuntu-us] US Teams Board (and seeking new mentors)

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 25 01:08:15 BST 2009

Due to expected changes in involvement ability, Jon Reagan and Aaron
Toponce have stepped down from the USTeams board. At our last meeting
we went ahead and promoted our Mentors Dan Trevino and John Crawford
to the board.

Board members are responsible for reviewing new potential mentors,
working match up Mentors with teams and providing leadership and
coordination within the project to making sure it forward.

Welcome to the board John and Dan :)

While John and Dan will remain on as Mentors as well, we are still
looking for folks to be Mentors on the team. The only core
qualifications are that you are a member of an approved team and have
signed the CoC.

More details on how to become a mentor are up on our wiki:



Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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